read text file line by line, split the line whenever there is a ;


(defn lines-reducible [^BufferedReader rdr]
  (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
    (reduce [this f init]
        (loop [state init]
          (if (reduced? state)
            (if-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
              (recur (f state line))
          (.close rdr))))))

; Sum the length of all 'splits'
  (mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
  (map count))
 (lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt"))) 
; Sum the length of all words until we find a word that is longer than 5
  (mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
  (map count))
   ([] 0)
   ([sum] sum)
   ([sum l]
    (if (> l 5)
      (reduced sum)
      (+ sum l))))
 (lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt")))

When using line-seq:

  • you will create intermediate aggregates and have more garbage collection as a result.
  • Also you will have to take care of closing the reader yourself (often accomplished with with-open).
